The powers that be have used fear to control us for centuries.

If I had a gun and pointed it to your Spouse's, Children's or any of your loved one's head. Would you do as you were told? - I think you would. WHY? Because you are scared / frightened of what I would do!

Imagine if I could convince the world that I posessed the most powerful weapon that ever existed to date that could wipe out whole continents with a single strike?

I could rule the world by fear alone!
Nuclear Threat
I was recently asked was I frightened about the current threat of nuclear war. I answered no.
Was it a such a stupid answer, considering what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945?

Well...Do you honnestly believe (if they actually had the capabiliy) that Russia would fire a misile at the UK. Knowing that a return misile would be on it's way back to them in 4 miniutes?  In fact it could result in return fire from all directions!

Suffer the little children

Religion has also been used to control people. Christianity, threatens children. If you don't behave according to OUR wishes and rules you will go to hell! The wrath of God?


Alien cartoonSince more and more people are moving away from religion and the fear that it is able to instill. The powers that be* have come up with the threat of of us being invaded by extra-teresstrial creatures who will empower or even destroy the human race and expoite earth for the riches & resources that they are short of. Come on. Get a grip, this is the stuff of science fiction and a lot of the films & TV programes are funded by the elite to foster this image of evil Alien intensions and instill even more fear into us. Fear that is being drip fed to us on a daily basis.

What if. I the truth was actually the opposite?

I have another threory that, it is in fact, the 1% that rule us that really fear an extra-terrestial lifeform taking over Earth. What if is was some form of 'Peace keeping force'. That destroyed all of the evil people on this planet and the one's that survive are left to live their lives in harmony, on an equal parr to each other without rich or poor. Now there's a thought!

Hence... I have no fear of Aliens.

They rule us by FEAR!

This article is incomplete. I will add more soon, as I'm off to the Pub!